Vote for Dr. Reynoso on 11-05-24

Dr. Luis Reynoso: Championing Democracy Through Participation

Introduction: Why Five Local Races?

In the 2024 election, I am taking the bold step of running for five local trustee races in Hayward, Alameda County: the Hayward Unified School District, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Hayward Area Park and Recreation District, Eden Township Health District, and Oro Loma Sanitation District. In my campaign, I strongly focus on championing quality service, promoting fiscal accountability, and advocating transparency in governance. These are non-negotiable principles for effective and trustworthy local leadership. The decision to run for different offices simultaneously is not just a strategic move but a powerful statement about the state of democracy in these districts. I understand that when elections are uncontested, democracy weakens when the same incumbents do not get opposing candidates. Also, many of these local races don’t even make it onto the ballot, as a lack of challengers means a single candidate—often an incumbent—automatically assumes the seat, depriving the voters of a choice.

The Problem: Peril of Low Participation

The crux of the problem lies in voter and candidate participation. Our democracy is at risk when citizens do not engage by voting or stepping up to run for office. In Hayward and many other parts of Alameda County, numerous districts are dominated by long-term incumbents, some of whom have held their positions for decades. These individuals remain in power because there is no opposition, allowing them to be seated term after term without scrutiny or debate. I view this as a significant threat to the spirit of our democracy, where choice and accountability are critical to fair governance.

My Call for Participation

I am not only running to win—I am running to ignite participation. I firmly believe that democracy thrives when citizens take an active role in the political process, whether as voters or candidates. What sets me apart is my willingness to encourage others to run, even against me. I have often stated, “It’s not just about me running. It’s about you stepping up to participate.” This mindset reflects my deep commitment to ensuring a healthy democratic process where competition, debate, and diverse voices are represented. I believe political engagement is essential to preserving the freedoms Americans hold dear.

The Wisdom of Plato and the Consequences of Apathy

My stance is closely aligned with the wisdom of ancient philosopher Plato, who said: ‘One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.’ This quote resonates deeply with my mission, as many of the races I am contesting are plagued by a lack of engagement, allowing incumbents to stay in office without challenge. In such cases, the governance of critical public institutions may no longer reflect the will or needs of the people but instead the entrenchment of power. I am calling attention to this issue by entering these five local races, emphasizing that political apathy can have far-reaching, dire consequences.

Standing for an Active, Participatory Democracy

My campaign represents more than just a bid for public office—it symbolizes a fight for active democracy. I believe that true democracy empowers citizens to take ownership of their governance. By participating in these races, I am not just offering voters a choice but also leading by example. My approach encourages the community to rethink the importance of their role in local elections and rise to the occasion by running for office or holding their leaders accountable at the ballot box.

Conclusion: A Leader for Change

I am not just a candidate in the 2024 election but a leader for democratic engagement and change. My decision to run for five local races shines a spotlight on the dangerous passivity that has taken root in our political system, where many local offices go uncontested and, as a result, unchallenged. Through my campaign, I am sending a clear message: democracy demands participation, and without it, we risk losing the very principles on which this nation was founded. Please vote for Dr. Luis Reynoso 11-05-2024.

2024 (c) Vote for Dr. Luis Reynoso